Easy quinoa salad – mastering the fluffy quinoa


Making an easy quinoa salad is a matter of a selection of specific steps that you can not go wrong. Follow them to the letter and you will have the fluffiest of them all.

Mastering the quinoa is simple – do not focus on getting fancy with it. Cook the quinoa separately and then add everything else to it. This way you can not mess up anytime.

Another important component is that whatever you add to the quinoa, you have to treat it as a salad – so all the ingredients that you add have to be cooked, marinated and ready.


  • 1 part uncooked quinoa
  • 2 parts of water
  • Salt, to taste
  • A squeeze of lemon
  • Olive oil
  • Your selection of veggies

Easy quinoa salad recipe

  1. Start by rinsing the quinoa as that is the most important part of the process. It will improve the taste and get rid of the bitterness that sometimes it is characterized.
  2. In a deep pan/saucepan add the water and quinoa. bring to boil and then lower the heat to low so the whole thing is gently simmering. Do not cover though. The quinoa will retain the water and once the water is evaporated you are ready for the next step.
  3. Cover the pot, and remove from heat. The steam will do to the quinoa what it does to popcorn – pop.
  4. Remove the lid and mix the quinoa with a fork. Season with salt, to taste.
  5. Add your veggies and meat. For my selection, we have some greens, sauteed corn, oven-baked zucchini, and chopped turkey breast. Think of the quinoa like a salad – everything that you add to it should be cooked.
  6. To make everything pop, add a bit of good olive oil, some chopped fresh tomatoes and a squeeze of lemon.

Check these other pasta recipes if you feel that you want to pasta-it-up and obviously our video recipes on youtube.

Kitchenette Traveler
Kitchenette Travelerhttps://kitchenetterecipes.com
I am just the average Joe, working in tech, that requires a lot of travel and at the same time, struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle while trying to stay away from those delicious burgers... As such, my tips are lessons learned from failure, complete mess-ups and whatever experience I have gotten in the past.

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