The carbonara recipe is one of those recipes that it features a combination of ingredients that almost everyone has in the house and requires no knowhow of anything. With just pasta, eggs, cheese, pepper and some sort of cured pork, you get a creamy and delicious pasta recipe.
Note that this is not the traditional approach, but a simplified and easier approach that you can reach the same exact conclusions.

You will need:
- Pasta
- 3 egg yolks and 2 eggs
- 100gr of pecorino romano
- some sort of cured pork (bacon works, guanciale is the original way of doing it, but it’s an Italian ingredient that you can find on specialty stores – other words for expensive)
- fresh ground pepper
How to get it done:
- Beat the 2 eggs.
- Add the egg yolks and mix properly
- Add the pecorino romano
- Mix thoroughly until the whole thing is together and set it aside.
- Cook the bacon in a big pan (we will use this pan to add the pasta later, so keep that thing in mind). As always, start with a cold pan and no oil. We are looking for crunch here. After they are cooked, remove them from the pan with a slotted spoon as we want to keep the remaining fat. If you would have guanciale, it’s even fatter than bacon, so I would use less – like 3 thick strips. Once done, set aside as well.
- Cook the pasta – if you think i need to explain a lot more here, let me know, but I am sure that if you are here, you know how to boil some pasta.
- Drain the pasta.
- Put the pan that had the bacon fat in it, back in the heat. We are looking for the bacon fat to heat again – it should not take much though.
- Remove from heat and add the pasta in the pan. Mix everything up. Give it 30-60 seconds. If the bacon fat was smoking, let it sit for a bit.
- IMPORTANT: throw in the eggs and cheese mixture and mix everything quickly. We do not want the egg to cook so you have to move quickly. In this step, the cheese will melt and the egg will combine with the melted cheese.
- Add the bacon and add some freshly ground pepper on it.
Eat immediately as for this carbonara recipe we do not want the cheese to harden.
Do you want more pasta recipes? Check this link for all our pasta recipes. Also, feel free to check out our instagram.